Earth Day 2022 - What You Can Do To Help Our Planet

Earth Day 2022 - What You Can Do To Help Our Planet

"The theme for Earth Day 2022 is “Invest in Our Planet".”

"Earth Day 2022 is focused on accelerating solutions to combat our greatest threat, climate change, and to activate everyone – governments, citizens, and businesses – to do their part. Everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable." 

"This is the moment to change it all — the business climate, the political climate, and how we take action on climate. Now is the time for the unstoppable courage to preserve and protect our health, our families, and our livelihoods."

"For Earth Day 2022, we need to act (boldly), innovate (broadly), and implement (equitably). It’s going to take all of us. All in. Businesses, governments, and citizens — everyone accounted for, and everyone accountable. A partnership for the planet." (Source:

Not sure what you can do to make a difference on Earth Day?

Here are 52 tips and actions, compliments of

Educate Yourself

  1. Tune into Earth Day Live
  • Earth Day Live explores Earth’s urgent environmental issues and examines a variety of approaches to protect our shared home. Topics include climate restoration, regenerative agriculture, environment and social justice, supply chain resilience, plastic pollution, resource scarcity, food security, the green economy, biodiversity restoration, and universal climate literacy.
  1. Calculate your foodprint
  • foodprint measures the environmental impacts associated with the growing, producing, transporting, and storing of our food— from the natural resources consumed to the pollution produced to the greenhouse gases emitted.
  • Foodprint calculators can help you understand how much your food choices impact the planet.
  1. Calculate your carbon footprint
  2. Calculate your plastic consumption
  • Plastic pollution is one of the most important environmental problems that we face today. It impacts the environment and our health and wellbeing. We have all contributed to this problem – mostly unknowingly – and we must work to reduce and ultimately to End Plastic Pollution.
  1. Take Earthday’s regenerative agriculture quiz
  2. Take the climate and environmental literacy quiz
  3. Take the sustainable fashion quiz
  4. Learn how to combat plastic pollution
  • Reduce, reuse and recylcle plus remove (pick up trash in parks, beaches and around your neighborhood), refuse (refuse plastic single use items) and rally (rally to have plastic bags and other single-use plastic items banned).
  1. Take the clean energy quiz
  2. Take the ocean plastic pollution quiz

Look at Changing Your Daily Habits

  1. Compost
  2. Switch to reusable bags
  • Always carry a reusable bag
  1. Use the internet not trees
  • The Canopy Project improves our shared environment by planting trees across the globe. EARTHDAY.ORG works with global partners to reforest areas in dire need of rehabilitation, including areas with some of the world’s communities most at-risk from climate change and environmental degradation. We have also conducted broad tree planting in the wake of environmental disasters.
  1. Plog (Jog and pick up litter)
  • To end plastic pollution.
  • The Great Global Cleanup® is a worldwide campaign to remove billions of pieces of trash from neighborhoods, beaches, rivers, lakes, trails, and parks — reducing waste and plastic pollution, improving habitats, and preventing harm to wildlife and humans. This program aims to continue.
  1. Fight climate change with diet change
  • Consider adding some plant based meals to your weekly meal plan such as Easy Chili, Black Bean Burgers, Fried Rice
  1. Pick up trash while you run
  • Clean up every day of the year for a brighter, greener, and cleaner planet
  1. Buy local food
  2. Eat less meat
  3. Use a reusable water bottle
  4. Skip plastic, buy glass or paper products
  5. Practice sustainable fashion
  1. Switch to online billing
  2. Meal Prep
  3. Encourage the use of reusable untensils, dishes and trays
  4. Practice a simple act of green every day
  5. Turn off lights when not in use

Use Environmentally Friendly Products

  1. Support organic ingredients
  2. Grow an organic garden
  1. Use environmentally friendly cleaning products
  • Check out our eco-friendly cleaning products here
  1. Go pesticide-free


  1. Push for plant-based options
  • Fight climate change with diet change. The food system is responsible for over a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, of which approximately 80% are associated with livestock production. But swapping out those meat and dairy items for plant-based options can have an enormous impact on climate change and your personal carbon footprint.
  1. Encourage your university to take climate action
  2. Contact your representatives
  3. Tell your elected leaders to ban single use plastic
  4. Sign the petition pushing for climate and environmental literacy education
  5. Ask for green power
  • Help drive the demand for clean, renewable energy. As more people demand clean power, the more infrastructure gets built and the lower the price goes so others can participate.
  1. Advocate for climate education

And Even More Ideas

  1. Organize a community cleanup
  2. Explore the Earthday 2022 Action Toolkit
  3. Add to the Billion Acts of Green
  • Make your voice heard, do an act of green, take civic, community or individual action or create your own act of green
  1. Take pictures of pollinators
  • Introduce the Global Earth Challenge app to your community
  1. Take the first step towards ending plastic pollution
  • Remove, refuse and rally as well as reduce, reuse and recyle
43.Take photos of the horizon
  • Coordinated in partnership with the Wilson Center and the U.S. Department of State, Global Earth Challenge™ connects, builds and enables global communities to leverage the power of scientific research to drive meaningful change. The campaign uses a mobile app to collect billions of observations in air quality, water quality, insect populations, climate change, plastic pollution and food sustainability, providing valuable environmental insight and a platform for policy change in these areas.
  • Citizen science involves members of the public in scientific research to meet real world goals. Members of the public collect and share information at scales and resolutions previously unachievable.
  • Global Earth Challenge™ works to bring researchers and the public together to create high-quality data sets while also providing a space for education on some of the earth’s greatest threats.
  1. Take photos of plastic waste
  2. Join the Global Earth Challenge
  • Right now we are trying to understand how insect populations like bees are changing. Collect data on bees today, or support research on air quality, plastics, and food security anytime!
  1. Volunteer with
  2. Join Earthday’s Social Squad
  3. Share your story
  4. Stand against deforestation
  5. Use Earthday.Org’s educational resources in the classroom
  6. Plan a teach-in
  • A teach-in is a series of lectures and discussions on a subject of public interest focused on taking action


Earth Day, "52 Ways to Invest in Our Planet"

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